The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me! Sewing is a passion that either one has or one doesn’t. That is not to say that one cannot develop a very deep appreciation or fondness for the craft of sewing. When I was a child, I wanted to learn how to do absolutely everything. And I mean that literally. I wanted to learn to sew like my grandmothers, and my mom. I wanted to learn to crochet, and knit. I wanted to learn to dance tap and ballet on pointe, plus a myriad of other activities I was interested in. So when I was 8 my grandmothers taught me how to crochet. That summer, I made a shawl for my mother, one she has to this day apparently. I soon after learned to knit, but was not as enthralled with knitting, although I liked it.

When I was 10, I saw a jumpsuit that I really, really wanted. My parents refused to buy it, so my grandma suggested I make it. So I pleaded with my mom for the supplies. She finally relented, and my first project was this stretch denim-like fabric jumpsuit. This item had a zipper, sleeves, a collar, pockets with tab closures including buttonholes and  buttons, AND red trim. I do not know how long it took me, that detail eludes me. But I remember how much fun I had during the construction, and how much self-pride I had with the finished product (which I remember to this day). It was Simplicity #7949 and I made view C. I had a lot of guidance from my mother, and both of my grandmas. But the work was all mine.

If you are eager to learn, and have an inspiration from anywhere, or are looking for a personal challenge, I invite you to journey with me.

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton